For additional information check our full Rewards Program Terms and Conditions.
OGIO Rewards is our free loyalty program that rewards you points based on purchases and more. The more points you earn, the more perks you get. Once you earn enough points, points can be redeemed like cash at check out!
All you have to do is create an account online. The program is entirely free to join—there’s no minimum spending amount required. So go ahead, get in on those benefits. Join OGIO Rewards today.
All OGIO Rewards Members receive points that can be redeemed towards product, free shipping and more.
For every dollar you spend on eligible purchases, you earn one point. Earned points can be redeemed at checkout towards a purchase.
Earn points by making a purchase (online, over the phone, or from an authorized retailer) or signing up for email
Any eligible purchase made online, over the phone, or from an authorized retailer qualify for points.
Your rewards points will expire after 12 months of no activity/points earned, or no point redemption.
Sign into your account, and navigate to the Rewards section to see your current points on the My Account page.
For product purchases, points will show up in your account as soon as your order ships. All other actions should show up within 48 hours of receiving confirmation of the event.
When items are refunded, the points you earned from that purchase will be deducted from your point balance.
Apply points directly to your order at the time of checkout. Simply start the checkout process, make sure you're logged into your account, and apply the desired amount within the "Redeem Rewards" section.